Kara Wood - Exhibition
9 - 24 July 2022
No matter what way you look at it, its all BULLSHIT!
Cleverly designed,
artfully disguised.
Tear it down,
turn around, and,
there it is again.
overwhelmingly again!
So you keep going,
and hold fast, believing,
each act makes a difference.
And you think,
with every part of your being,
Fuck your pervasive ideology, supported by a myriad of props.
Begone mechanisms,
formulated for control.
We have had Enough!
For lets be honest, it’s all just lies and bullshit!
Kara Wood, July 2022
In Gallery 2 “Enough” is a time-based installation that engages with the misogynistic culture prevalent in both Australian and international society.
In recent years a series of violent and misogynistic crimes against women has enraged me. These acts, coupled with the loss of women’s liberty in many settings worldwide, have ignited a series of massive marches across nations, both in Australia and abroad.
In parallel, the ‘Me Too’ movement is raging across the planet, representing an outpouring of frustration and desire for change. It is my belief the end of such atrocious behaviour is coming. Women are standing up and saying ‘Enough!’ we have had Enough!”
Kara Wood, June 2022